13 Disturbing Security/Fire-Safety Installation Fails

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A good craftsman takes great pride in his/her work. Unfortunately, we live in a world where price matters, which leads to a “race to the bottom.” Unsurprisingly, this can lead to rushed jobs and less than qualified workers being hired.

The solutions installed by professionals in the security/life-safety industry can come into play in actual life-or-death scenarios, which means it is integral they are properly installed.

As you will see in this slideshow, that is not always the case. In fact, you can find plenty of examples across the Internet (including these additional fail slideshows that can be found here and here).

To source these images, we’ve dug through posts from the  Alarm Tech Memes, Burglar Alarms Online and Crappy Fire Alarm Facebook groups to find the best of the worst installations.

Perhaps these fails can be used to help you show your new techs what NOT TO DO, or serve as a fun reminder for veterans. Either way, we hope you find these amusing, even if they also may be a bit disturbing.

View 13 Disturbing Security/Fire-Safety Installation Fails

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