NEW YORK — viisights, a developer of behavioral recognition systems for real-time video intelligence, has been selected for airport cargo security evaluation by global defense contractor, Raytheon Security.
The Transportation Security Administration (TSA) contracted Raytheon Technologies to select and evaluate next-generation security solutions for airports. To conduct the test, Raytheon deployed viisights’ advanced video and behavioral analytics solution for cargo security at various airports across the U.S. for evaluation over 12 months.
“We’re proud to have been chosen as a candidate to be evaluated by Raytheon,” says Pat Aiello, vice president of business development & sales, North America at viisights. “Our video and behavioral analytics solutions excel in these environments, and we look forward to seeing the finalized report from Raytheon.”
Powered by neural networks and advanced deep learning algorithms, viisights’ unique behavioral analytics technology is said to identify suspicious behavior, vehicle traffic congestion, crowd density and human proximity, perimeter protection, and people or parcels in restricted areas with outstanding accuracy.
To help ensure compliance with new health safety-mandates, viisights advanced analytics can also detect and notify security personnel if individuals are not wearing protective face masks in areas where masks are mandated.
Optimized to minimize false alerts and their related costs while maximizing safety and security, viisights video and behavioral analytics solutions provide new levels of predictive and proactive video intelligence for myriad applications including violence and suspicious activity detection, incident prevention, response management, and risk mitigation, according to the company.
To maintain personal privacy protection, viisights advanced technology analyzes general behavior patterns of individuals, groups, vehicles, and traffic-flows without identifying faces or license plates.
Raytheon says it plans to keep the viisights behavioral analytics solution in place at the airport installation test sites after the initial evaluation period has been successfully completed to help better secure airports moving forward. The solution is available to any and all U.S. airports.
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